I Cried With My 3-Year-Old Son Over My Miscarriage
Normalising miscarriage starts with talking about it
I have a son who is the most gorgeous, generous and kind little boy in the world. When he was 3, he had been asking for a baby brother or sister for a while so when those two little lines showed up on the pregnancy test, my husband and I were so excited to tell him he was getting a little baby.
The look on his face was incredible. He was so excited and started planning his role as a big brother right away.
Over the following week, he kissed my belly every chance he had and called it his little baby. He said goodnight to ‘his little baby’ and told me when his little baby comes out he was going to feed it mashed ‘beggies’ (veggies) so he gets big and strong.
He told me that he was going to share his toys, asked where his little baby was going to sleep. He even said the baby could sleep with him so when he cried, he could cuddle ‘his baby’ back to sleep.
This little baby was so loved already.
When I saw the first signs of blood in my fifth week of pregnancy I didn’t think much of it. I knew a little bleeding wasn’t uncommon and figured it would just go away.
But it didn’t.