My 15 Favorite Guide Books for Parenting Intense Kids

My unique family found harmony and joy with their help.

Kate Lynch
Family Matters


image by author

Intense atypical kids don’t come with a manual, but my family found harmony and joy with the help of these inclusive parenting books.

These books have been companions along my journey of discovery, from before my son’s ASD diagnosis to the cusp of middle school.

I won’t title this ‘The 15 Best Books…” Each of us is unique, and our kids are different. We are not going to have the same needs. We won’t resonate with the same writing styles. I encourage you to read reviews before deciding which books are right for you. I encourage you to listen to the sample before buying an audiobook.

My learning style responds well to reading, and I was desperate for support and understanding when my son was little. If that’s not you, don’t feel pressure. There are at least as many great books that I haven’t read yet, sitting on my shelf.

These are some of the voices which have influenced my parenting towards an inclusive, mindful and collaborative approach. I was also informed by many books not related to…



Kate Lynch
Family Matters

Mindfulness & yoga for parents of neurodivergent kids. Upcoming book: Atypical Kids, Mindful Parents. Subscribe to connect!