On the Couple Who Told Me Breastfeeding my Baby is Disgusting

Breastfeeding is normal and you are the one’s who should be ashamed

Mari Sherret
Family Matters


Photo by Ksenia Makagonova on Unsplash

Breastfeeding is a normal unremarkable act that women do everyday to feed their babies. At least it should be.

I am unsure whether I should publish this article because it only serves to perpetuate the myth that breastfeeding in public is a “thing”. So I will start with the positive. The only comments I had received when breastfeeding in public places before this incident were:

  • On holiday with a four month old at a bus stop an elderly lady said (in translation), ‘a breastfeeding baby is the most beautiful thing in the world’
  • A mum saying to her two or three year old son, ‘look, that baby is getting his milk”

Apart from that no-one has ever said anything. (Except possibly a guy walking a dog who muttered something at me when I was breastfeeding sat on a tree stump during lockdown, but as I didn’t actually hear what he said I have no idea whether it was positive or neutral or anything to do with breastfeeding).

Most of the time I expect no-one notices when I breastfeed.

The Incident

