Parents, Your Wellness is a Valuable Resource

The #1 reason you don’t want to run out of gas.

Kate Lynch
Family Matters


Image by andreas160578 from Pixabay

You may have done it once or twice. Running out of gas is really inconvenient, right? So you see the importance of filling up, and you prioritize a trip to the gas station regularly. You know you need to refuel!

Many parents — especially those of us with more intense kids — feel that there’s simply no time for self-care. Some simply get out of the habit. We forget, because we are doing all the things. It is like the gas station analogy. No one intends to run out of gas. It just wasn’t on the top of the list.

Our kids are like the passengers in the car.
They need us to remember to refuel.

The #1 reason to move self-care to the top of your to-do list:

Neglecting our self care needs, pushing through or numbing out can eventually lead to being less patient and understanding with our kids. Our kids are like the passengers in the car. They need us to remember to refuel.

Do you wonder how to make time for self-care?

Could you find a few minutes a day, if you knew that it would help your kid? I know that if I stopped…



Kate Lynch
Family Matters

Mindfulness & yoga for parents of neurodivergent kids. Upcoming book: Atypical Kids, Mindful Parents. Subscribe to connect!