Simple Ways to Empower Yourself as a New Parent

Family Matters
Published in
3 min readApr 2, 2021
Photograph by Dane Deaner

Let’s not sugar coat it, being a new parent is the best, most difficult and at times the scariest job you will ever be given. Parents want the best for the child and part of that is ensuring that your little one is progressing in their development. So many parents turn to google at every milestone to make sure their baby is on track, but the reality is Dr. Google is often very scary and leaves parents in a panic without any clarity.

The reality is our little ones are unique in so many ways including their development. It is so hard not to compare, but we all have areas that are harder for us while others that come more easily. The same is true for your baby. Instead of focusing on what your baby isn’t doing, what if we shift that thought to how can I help my baby develop? The answer is often simple:

Get on the floor and play with your little ones.

Engage all of their senses by allowing them to experience their world. It is the most simple tasks that help build the connections in your little one’s brain to lead to the next developmental leap. For example, lay tummy to tummy and sing together, do tummy time on the grass and use pots and pans to make noise.

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Parents often want to feel like a good parent and feel like part of that is making sure that their child has everything they need, but the reality is the most important thing that they need is you. They love you and the time after work where you get on the floor and get silly is truly the best for them. They don’t need the fancy piece of equipment, in fact they are probably better off without them. Instead, they need to spend time singing, dancing and playing with you — all on the floor.

Be picky about where you get your information.

At a time when a parent is already recovering from a pregnancy and a labor while battling the sleep deprivation of a new baby, it is so important that self-care is made a priority. Without self-care you will not be able to be the incredible parent that you are. Part of self-care is choosing wisely where you look to for information. You will often find the worst case scenario in a general internet search. Instead look directly to websites like the Play 2 Progress blog with a focus on educating and understanding development rather than focusing on a problem.

Remember, you know your baby best and you got this. At times every parent feels scared and that is normal. In those moments, turn to a support network of both friends and professionals that you trust. Parenting is a journey and as with every journey there will always be both hard moments and incredible moments, but your baby chose you and you are perfect for them.

There is so much to understand about development, but remember that it all starts with play. I recently developed a (free!) guide called The 7 Secrets to Boost Your Baby’s Development, and I’d love to share it with you. Check it out here.



Family Matters

Founder of Play 2 Progress. Occupational therapist with a specialty in sensory integration. Book available for preorder now!