The Journey of Becoming a Mother

Dear moms: Do not forget to breathe

Zeina Nasreddine, MPH
Family Matters
3 min readJul 25, 2020


Photo credit: Ashton Mullins from Unsplash

“Making the decision to have a child is momentous. It is to decide forever to have your heart go walking around outside your body.” — Elizabeth Stone

Pregnancy characterizes one of the most magnificent beauties of our universe: a life unfolding inside another life, a being pumping life into another being, a body enduring ailment to allow another being to grow, survive and flourish.

It marks the start of a life-long’s journey of love, dedication, and sacrifice right before the new baby is born, highlighting the natural cycle of life and existence.

“If I had my life to live over, instead of wishing away nine months of pregnancy, I’d have cherished every moment and realized that the wonderment growing inside me was the only chance in life to assist God in a miracle.” — Erma Bombeck

As a woman becomes a mother, her entire life changes and a whole new list of priorities comes to light. Motherhood does not only change a woman’s body but fundamentally impacts her way of thinking, and her way of living.

Motherhood entails a great sacrifice. It teaches us to give without expecting anything in return and to be self-less as we take care of our tiny baby, ensuring all his/her needs are met and investing a big amount of time, effort, and money to help our child to grow and become independent.

All this might come at the expense of our rest, our physical and mental health, and our career and personal goals and dreams.

Motherhood can be a hard, challenging, and overwhelming experience. It is normal to feel tired, frustrated, stressed, and even suffocated. It is a highly demanding job, requiring you to wear many hats at the same time; being the family chef, the housekeeper, the driver, the entertainer, the scheduler of playdates, and extracurricular activities, the family accountant, the guide, the coach, and the confidant.

The society can be harsh sometimes, people may judge you if you complain. But rest assured that what you are doing is great. You, mommies out there, are extraordinarily strong, lionhearted, and heroes.

Hang on during the tough times and let go of perfectionism and of high expectations. Being good is more than enough. Simplify your life and the life of your family. Prioritize and do only what is required to keep your kids healthy, happy, well-fed, and alive. Get help with house chores. Socialize and connect with relatives and friends whenever you can. Reach out to other like-minded moms to share stories and get advice on how to better live through the struggles of motherhood.

Finally, do not forget to breathe. After all, you are a human yourself and you cannot run on empty. You need to rest, and to recharge to be able to keep going and continue giving. Carve out time for your rest and self-care or for simply doing something you love. Involve your baby in doing what you love, whenever you can. Just seeing your face or hearing your voice is more than enough to keep him/her entertained.

With all the hustle and bustle of life, it might be easy to forget to savor the happy and joyful moments that come with raising your child and to feel grateful for what life has offered you. Remember that raising young children is a temporary stage of life, your children will eventually grow up giving you more time for yourself.

Do not allow the struggles you face in motherhood to prevent you from noticing the smiles of your children, honoring their innocence, and enjoying their big love to you.



Zeina Nasreddine, MPH
Family Matters

A mother of 2, and an avid reader on health and parenting topics, with a passion for writing.