The Power of Being Present:

Jessica Elkins
Family Matters
Published in
4 min readJul 2, 2023

A Guide to Homemaking and Parenting

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Being present is a valuable and transformative mindset that can greatly enhance our lives, especially when it comes to homemaking and parenting. In a fast-paced world filled with distractions, taking the time to be fully engaged and attentive can have a profound impact on our relationships, our well-being, and our overall sense of fulfillment. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore the concept of being present and its importance in creating a nurturing home environment. We will also delve into the benefits of gentle parenting, the joy of homemade meals, the value of teaching kids to cook, and the advantages of homeschooling. So, let’s embark on this journey of discovery and learn how to cultivate the power of being present in our everyday lives.

Table of Contents

  • The Essence of Being Present
  • Creating a Nurturing Home Environment
  • Gentle Parenting: Nurturing Through Connection
  • The Joy of Homemade Meals
  • Empowering Kids Through Cooking
  • The Benefits of Homeschooling
  • Building Strong Family Bonds
  • Cultivating Mindfulness in Daily Routines
  • Creating Meaningful Traditions
  • Embracing Simple Living
  1. The Essence of Being Present

Being present means fully immersing ourselves in the present moment, with a deep sense of awareness and mindfulness. It involves setting aside distractions and focusing our attention on what is happening right now. In the context of homemaking and parenting, being present allows us to forge deeper connections with our family members, nurture their emotional well-being, and create a harmonious home environment.

2. Creating a Nurturing Home Environment

A nurturing home environment is the foundation for a happy and healthy family life. It is a space where love, compassion, and understanding thrive. When we are present in our homes, we can better respond to the needs of our family members, fostering a sense of security and belonging. By creating an environment that is warm, inviting, and organized, we provide a sanctuary where everyone can relax, recharge, and grow.

3. Gentle Parenting: Nurturing Through Connection

Gentle parenting is an approach that prioritizes empathy, respect, and understanding in our interactions with our children. By being present and attuned to their emotions and needs, we can foster a strong parent-child bond based on trust and mutual respect. Gentle parenting encourages positive discipline techniques, such as active listening, setting boundaries with empathy, and promoting problem-solving skills. By practicing gentle parenting, we create a nurturing and supportive environment where our children can flourish.

4. The Joy of Homemade Meals

There is something truly special about sharing homemade meals with our loved ones. When we prepare meals from scratch, we infuse them with love, care, and intention. Being present in the kitchen allows us to savor the process of cooking, engage our senses, and create nourishing meals that promote health and well-being. Homemade meals also provide an opportunity for family bonding, as we gather around the table to enjoy delicious food and meaningful conversations.

5. Empowering Kids Through Cooking

Teaching our kids to cook not only equips them with a valuable life skill but also fosters their independence and self-confidence. When we involve our children in meal preparation, we empower them to make healthy choices, develop their creativity, and take pride in their culinary creations. By being present in the kitchen alongside our kids, we create space for shared experiences, laughter, and the joy of learning together.

6. The Benefits of Homeschooling

Homeschooling offers a unique opportunity for parents to be fully present in their children’s education. By taking on the role of their primary educator, we can tailor the curriculum to their individual needs, interests, and learning styles. Homeschooling allows for flexible schedules, personalized instruction, and a focus on holistic development. Being present in our children’s educational journey enables us to provide a nurturing and enriching environment that fosters their love of learning.

7. Building Strong Family Bonds

Being present in our family relationships strengthens the bond between parents and children, as well as between siblings. By actively listening to each other, engaging in meaningful conversations, and participating in shared activities, we create lasting memories and forge deep connections. When we prioritize quality time together, we cultivate an atmosphere of love, support, and understanding within our families.

8. Cultivating Mindfulness in Daily Routines

Mindfulness is a powerful tool for being present in our daily routines. By approaching mundane tasks, such as cleaning, organizing, and self-care, with mindfulness, we can transform them into meaningful experiences. Paying attention to the present moment while engaging in these activities allows us to appreciate the beauty in simplicity and find joy in the little things.

9. Creating Meaningful Traditions

Traditions hold a special place in our hearts and provide a sense of continuity and belonging. By creating and upholding meaningful traditions, we infuse our lives with purpose and connection. Being present during these traditions, whether it’s celebrating birthdays, holidays, or family rituals, allows us to fully immerse ourselves in the joy and significance of these moments, creating cherished memories that will last a lifetime.

10. Embracing Simple Living

In a world filled with constant stimulation and consumerism, embracing a simpler way of life can bring us closer to being present. By decluttering our homes, simplifying our schedules, and prioritizing what truly matters, we create space for more meaningful experiences and connections. Simple living allows us to focus on the present moment, appreciate the beauty in simplicity, and cultivate a sense of contentment and gratitude.

Being present is a transformative mindset that can enhance our lives as homemakers and parents. By cultivating mindfulness, practicing gentle parenting, preparing homemade meals, teaching our kids to cook, embracing homeschooling, and building meaningful connections, we create a nurturing and harmonious home environment. Through the power of being present, we can foster love, understanding, and joy within our families, and create lasting memories that will shape our children’s lives. So, let us embark on this journey of embracing the power of being present and create a home filled with love, warmth, and meaningful connections.



Jessica Elkins
Family Matters

Jessica is a published author who has ghostwritten two novels. She’s now a homeschooling, work-from-home mom of 3 who is trying to achieve a balance.