Things That Keep Me Sane While Traveling Solo With My Kids

The lowdown on snacks, toys, and avoiding catastrophe while flying alone with kids

Lane Henry
Family Matters


Photo by Gustavo Fring on Pexels

For full disclosure, this is not my child and me in the photo above.

Do you know how I can tell? They are smiling in the airport, the child is carrying her own suitcase, and they are wearing beige clothes.

If the picture was of me, I would be wearing dark clothes to hide the inevitable stains from the day. I’d look a bit frazzled. I’d also be lugging all the bags myself because my daughter got tired of carrying her small backpack.

Oh, and the most important bit is that you’d have to Photoshop my 18-month-old into the picture too. Or wait, is he just behind us, trying to run off? That’s probably it.

A successful trip with kids starts with a battle plan. Especially if you are traveling alone.

Packing is a strategic process. Gather the essentials in advance. Don’t leave it to the last minute. Don’t pack too much as a carry-on. Check as much as you can, even if you have to shell out money for the checked bag. Those are the mantras I live by.



Lane Henry
Family Matters

Reformed banker, writer, mom, traveler, DIYer…in no particular order. I write about finance, parenting, travel, and other things on my mind. 3x top writer.