What it Feels Like to Grow a Human

The Wonder of the Ultimate Love

Family Matters


Photo by Alexander Krivitskiy on Unsplash

The strangest life experience ever, must be when two people walk into a hospital, and leave the hospital as three people.

The fact that sex, pregnancy, popping out a baby, and suddenly becoming a parent, is commonplace, does not make any of it “ordinary”. Nor does its frequency among our fellow planet inhabitants make it less shocking when it’s our turn for the experience.

Whoa, Baby!

When a woman first gets a hint she might be pregnant, it can be exciting, scary and maybe anxiety-inducing, if the pregnancy wasn’t intended. There’s nothing quite like the feeling of purchasing and using a pregnancy test for the first time. The anticipation is a killer. Those 3 minutes can feel like an eternity. Some women choose to watch it…many choose to look away while it’s “processing”.

The revealing of that plus sign or second line, can be breath-catching. And the feelings…wow. The feelings are like a tsunami. A million questions pour into the test-taker’s head.

I’m pregnant?! Holy crap. How far along am I? How am I going to tell my partner? What will they think/say? What’s going to happen to my body? I’m pregnant?!! Holy crap. How am I going to tell my family? What will it feel like? Am I going to get fat? How…



Family Matters

A lover of stories — an observer and an active participant, I seek to live fully in beautiful moments.