Welcome to the Table: Meet Cuz, a Creative Family

Tomi Falegan
Family Matters by Cuz
4 min readMar 10, 2017

Let’s start where we, Cuz, started — at the kitchen table.
Let’s get to know one another.

We’re like a puzzle made of a bunch of misfit pieces. Our backgrounds and experiences are wildly different, but we’re connected by our desire to spark a shift in creative work culture.

Our individual quirks and personal stories make up the collective narrative that informs “How” and “Why” Cuz works. Plenty of agencies already do amazing creative work, but the “special sauce” that sets us apart is the team of special people we have here at this table.

At the far edge of the table is David, our lionhearted leader and founder. With ambitious intensity matched only by his compassionate heart, David champions our team and our clients. He works to ignite the dormant potential, in our team and clients alike, to make change through strategic placement and planning.

To his left is Wesley, our discerning strategist, who draws out and presents our clients’ stories with a fervor and a precision that seeks to see their purpose shine.

The fellow on the computer screen up on the ledge, is Paul, our software engineer and product manager. He works remotely from Seattle and uses his technical acumen and expertise to provide solutions for business problems and opportunities.

To your right is Gina, our creative director and advocate of peoples. Her empathetic disposition bleeds into the way she leads us to tell our stories with authenticity — whether in words, photos or graphics.

On your left is Ann, our thoughtful general operations and project manager. She makes it hap’n cap’n — keeping us organized and on-task with her own brand of gracious flair and focused accountability.

Our lead designer and art director (and resident old soul), Andy, is up next— encapsulating youthful maturity in his ability to efficiently produce fresh and beautiful design solutions.

Then we have Jae, our senior producer, who couples practicality with vision to tell Cuz and client stories through tailor-made video productions.

Finally, there’s me, Tomi, the content manager. I have the honor of helping develop and project our personal voice as an agency through the content that we publish.

Many of us met for the first time at this table, dreamed dreams and decided to take actions at this table. Much more than just wanting to change the way that creative work is done, we believe we can actually do it — we believe we have the grit and heart to change culture.

I suppose it’s fair to say that we are an intense bunch — dreamy-eyed? — maybe, but each passionate and fiercely loyal in our own special way. We all have day jobs in a myriad of fields that for some aren’t even remotely related to creative work.

But, we care about this work that brings us together — and we’re ready to fight for it — ready to fight sleepy, tired eyes, and raging schedules, ready to push back on the status quo and of what others deem possible and valuable.

We invite you to ride along with us. We have no doubt it’ll be a crazy journey, but an adventure nonetheless.

Stay a while, cuz it’s just beginning.

“We contribute to a revolutionary world where difference is beautiful, by upholding the ways you don’t fit in.”

Check us out, and follow our journey!



Tomi Falegan
Family Matters by Cuz

I’m a sucker for a good redemption story. My life’s work is to see intrinsic value realized.