10.09 Video Prototyping (again)

Allison Huang
ARrange: Family Sleep (Team Aasma)
1 min readOct 14, 2016

We gathered on another Sunday evening to create another video prototype focusing more specifically on the scenarios we brainstormed during the week and go over the app wireframes.

The scenario we chose to focus on for prototyping was a scene where Mom’s son is sick. She tags a block with his sleep status and another block with the room temperature. In the middle of the night, she can reach over and tap the blocks to show the AR.

We also played with all the interactions that could happen between the two blocks. When we were shooting the video, we came up with the idea of sliding the two blocks together to combine the holograms. We also decided that the mom could tap to turn the AR off again, on either block; once they are connected, either one can control the AR.

Using AfterEffects, we translated our ideas into animated holograms. We want to play with 3D holograms rather than 2D ones (why would you constrain the visualization to a 2D space when you have the flexibility and 3D interactions to work with?).

They posed for this process shot of us filming.



Allison Huang
ARrange: Family Sleep (Team Aasma)

obsessed with humanity | @cmudesign MA 2016/MPS 2017, summer 2016 intern @adaptivepath