Beat of My Heart

Ruth Pickens
Movement Through Melody
1 min readNov 23, 2018

Steve Pickens, a pastor’s son who spent the first 12 years of his life in Dodge City Kansas, had never heard Rock music until his family moved closer to Kansas City. “I had no idea what rock and roll was because my parents didn’t listen to it” he said. He was introduced into this new world by Rusty Johnson, a friend he played football with at Olathe North High school. Rusty gave him a tape to take home and “it blew my mind”. Excitement was his one word to describe his first response to the music. Steve’s parents however, were not filled with the same excitement. “They rolled their eyes, but they were tolerant” he said “I think that the way I feel about rap and hip-hop is the same way my parents felt about Rock and Roll.” When asked if the sadder side of music, conveyed in other genres, is not as easily conveyed in Rock and Roll Steve said “I think so, that’s why I like Rock. I use heavy metal as an emotional crutch. If I’m feeling down, blue, or tired that, plus a small coffee, gets me right back in the game…there’s certain ones that really elevate my spirit.” The same music can evoke different feelings in different people. Obviously for Steve, Rock is where it’s at.

