Are you really taking good photos of your kids?

Step up your game with tips to make your photos more memorable

Family Time


Every picture we take of our kids is awesome, right? Wrong! They could be awesomer. Here are some tips that will help you make the most of capturing those precious moments.

Get Closer!

Many of the pictures we see of kids are taken from too far away. Sure, you can crop the pictures after the fact, but how often does that happen? How’s the quality after you crop? Instead, get in close. Capture their personality and the details in their faces. I realize that this gets tougher as they get older, so see the next tip for getting around that issue!

Use Surprise to Your Advantage

This works especially well for older kids that are very picture resistant, especially when parents are snapping the photos. So many pictures are posed. Instead, focus on surprise. Candid moments often create the best memories. When kids are playing, distracted, or least expect it, take the picture. You will see those gems fly onto your camera roll.

Always Have a Camera Handy

You never know when those great picture opportunities are going to come. Some people will wait for their DSLR camera to appear before getting the right shot. The best camera is the one you have with you! So make sure that you always have your camera, whether smartphone or DSLR, handy so you can capture those great moments.

Take a Different Angle

Many pictures of the kids are taken from the same “straight-on, from the front” angle. Mix things up. Try a picture from an elevated or lower angle. Get group shots from a totally different perspective. This will make for some of the more interesting pictures you take.

Steer Clear of the Head Shot

The most obvious pictures to take of our kids include their faces. Try something different. Get some shots that include your hands or feet with theirs. For baby pictures, this can be really special. Look at the shots below. Are you thinking… Awwww! Of course!

Catch the Action!

Getting those shots of the kids in action is tricky. We see many team pictures, the batting stance, your daughter or son in their posed uniform shot. How many pictures do you have of them in an interesting situation during the game? To get these actions shots, you need to be in that mode. Looking for the right opportunity to flash. Hint: Some of the best shots can happen during practice when you can get closer without causing a game distraction.

Bad Moods Can Be Good

How many times have we said “smile!” before taking a picture of the kids? Sure, we want to remember them being happy. But some of the sweetest, most precious moments I’ve captured of my kids are those moody moments. Our children’s moods make up the mosaic of their life and capturing them can really enrich reminiscing.

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Family Time

Where photographers and customers connect around precious memories.