Not Your Average, Ordinary, Everyday Girl

Laz Llanes
Family Time
Published in
1 min readAug 20, 2014

I’m convinced that gender roles don’t have a semblance of importance to forward thinking people who believe in being what you want to be, not what society expects you to be. I certainly feel that way, and having a daughter has definitely solidified that belief. I find myself intervening when my parents say, “that’s for boys” or “girls don’t play with that.” Zöe (my daughter) can play with whatever the hell she wants, so long as it’s not a danger to her. “Poppa, can you get me an authentic katana like Leonardo?” Absolutely not! Not until she’s a certified ninja. But I’ll get her a plastic one. Hell, I’ll get us all a plastic set of TMNT weapons and we’ll kick some ass together.

That’s not to say that my daughter doesn’t like Disney princesses, My Little Pony and the color pink (all the shades, hues and endless variations). But we have a great time watching Adventure Time, Gravity Falls and we recently went to see the new TMNT movie together too! Why? Because she loves the Ninja Turtles [Continue the article on]

