Week 1 • UX Tools — Team One

Steven Ji
Family Travel Made Easy
3 min readSep 24, 2018


Family travel made easy

Solutions for parents traveling with children at the age of 4–10.

Researching major pain points in the attributes of preparations, entertainment, safety, food and comfort for kids during travel.

We aim to provide a design solution to alleviate one or more of these issues based on the priority they carry for the parents.

Stakeholder maps and territory maps
  • At the beginning of the project, we conducted literature reviews on the transportation space and used 3 simple frameworks to help us develop focuses in our project:
  1. 4W+1H (Who, What, Where, Why, How): Generate potential questions we have about the transportation space.
  2. Stakeholder maps: exhaustively list and understand the key players in the transportation space in relation to our client, Bridgestone
  3. Territory maps: identify key disruptive themes widely discussed in the transportation industry (5 themes: Shared mobility, integrated mobility, connectivity and electrified)
2nd round of mapping exercises
  • In the 2nd round of mapping exercises, we further narrowed down our scope by deciding to focus on families who have children from new-born to 10-year-old as our target audiences. We all shared horrible experiences traveling with children of this age range from other families. We can only imagine that the travel experience is worse for those children’s parents. Therefore, there are a lot opportunities for us to improve these family’s transportation experiences.
  • During the 2nd session, what worked really well was that we we used the concept map to illustrate our family travel experiences when we were 7–8-year-old so as to help us be empathetic to other families’ experiences as well as identify places where common difficulties occur.
  • We diagrammed out the 4 quadrants we’re interested in researching further. Eventually, we will have 1 well-defined problem space to work with.
  • Our research intends to answer two categories of questions:
  1. When & how do families travel with their children?
  2. What are current pain points that families face when they travel, and what are their existing solutions to alleviate their inconveniences?
  • Our research involves 3 forms, and our target are both parents and their children (new-born to 10-year-old)
  1. Background research / competitive analysis
  2. In-person interview (qualitative research)
  3. Survey (quantitative research)

So far, we have interviewed 9 parents, and have 2 survey responses (T_T)

The next step for us:

Regroup as a team to synthesize our findings from our in-person interviews & surveys. We can already see that our focuses can be narrowed down with the existing research. The synthesis process will help us generate new questions we would like to focus on answering in our next rounds of scoping down.

