Week 2 • UX Tools — Team One

Leann Bahi
Family Travel Made Easy
3 min readOct 9, 2018

Family travel made easy

Synthesizing our findings

We regroup as a team to synthesize our findings from our in-person interviews & surveys. We started by making an affinity diagram.

The main overarching categories we found are :

  • Factors that affect transportation decisions
  • Parent’s responsibilities
  • Transportation method
  • Time

Focusing our target audience

The experience of family transportation depends on two major factors:

  • age of children
  • distance of travel

Therefore in the first phase of the research, we focuses on all 4 quadrants to conduct research. After our interviews and surveys our team discussed which of the 4 quadrants we should focus on. We decided to focus on short distance travel with children between the ages of 4 to 10.

Presentation to Bridgestone

“ I wish my kids would magically be ready to go in the morning ”

Why traveling with children?

  • Families remain the main consumers in the automobile industry
  • Traveling with children can be very stressful

What’s the scope of the travel experience?

After our initial interviews with 9 parents, we realize that, short distance travel and children at the age to start elementary schools pose the most number challenges among all four quadrants because

  • First, short distance travel, such as traveling to schools occur at a day-to-day basis, so the problems experienced by parents today will be experienced again tomorrow.
  • Secondly, children over 6 year old have places they need to be, and some have many places to go during the day, which pose greater challenges fro their parents.

We started to look into the different attributes that shape different transportation experiences. Below we started to categorize these attributes.

We also worked on mapping out parents’ day in relation to their transportation with their children. While making this timeline, we focused on what happens before, during, and after traveling with children.

What we’ve done & moving forwards

We are following the double diamond approach in defining our problem statement, and eventually executing a solution for it.

The interviews and surveys helped us understand the landscape better, and gave us a general idea of the various issue parents face when traveling with kids. This helped us define that we want to focus on short distance travel with 4 to 10 year olds.

We are now in the process of solidifying these issue into a specific area, and mapping out the opportunity space

Questions for Bridgestone

Has Bridgestone done any research in this area?

Does Bridgestone have a vision around family travel?

