Meet Cindy, Second Grader

Cindy’s Perspective

I Went to camp.
I Went on a horse
I like Horses.
My mom Love

- Cindy Potter (Willow School second grade portfolio)

Cindy went from a trot to a gallop around the parking lot, hugging the neck of her horse. Of course, it wasn’t a real horse. But she imagined she was on the horse she learned to ride on at camp last summer. That was so much fun then.

Today it just felt like everyone was telling her “No.” This morning when she went to get another breakfast donut, her mom had screamed at her, “No more going inside the cupboards by yourself and making a big mess! You are getting too fat!” Then when she got restless being in her classroom at school and went by herself to the playground, the principal found her and said, “No outside wandering!”

Now she had to be at her mom’s work. Cindy hated it that her mom had to work and couldn’t spend time with her in the afternoons. Cindy really loved being with her mom. Being here was pretty boring, as boring as hanging out at home inside. No other kids and no other horses here. Cindy made her horse stop and slid off. She sighed and climbed onto the hood of a car to rest.

Next: Read Shellie, Cindy’s School Counselor’s Profile

