An Encounter Between Parent and Teacher in the Community

Piecing it all Together

Marla was very excited. She had just this moment received a wonderful phone call at the photo-processing store. She had gotten the new job she had applied for: working at the cafeteria at the local hospital. She wanted this job because the hours were perfect, allowing Cindy to spend all her after school time with Marla now. Marla looked across the parking lot and saw Nikki approaching the store. She knew Nikki had a roll of film ready to be picked up. Whenever Nikki came into the store, Marla liked to ask her how Cindy was doing in school. Now she couldn’t wait to tell her about this new job.

For herself, Nikki entered the store with some trepidation. All throughout her errands she had worried about Cindy’s lack of supervision. Nikki wondered whether she should try to say anything briefly to Marla about Cindy’s after school time. Although she felt uncomfortable talking about Cindy’s issues right there in the store, Nikki thought about more forcefully suggesting a formal after school program for Cindy. She could explain that parents could sign up their kids at the Recreation Department at any point during the year. Marla could even sign up tomorrow.

Next: Access additional discussion questions and commentary about this family case.

