Why Family Constellations is a cult-like spiritually abusive organization

7 min readDec 14, 2020


If you had told me a month ago that I will actively think of ending my life, I would have told you you are nuts because this is not who I am, because my foundation is strong and because I value Life. But a month ago did not had 45 shaming messages targeting my sanity, and guilting me that my perpetrator was wronged by me and I should apologize. And yet, I thought I am in a training to become a family constellations therapist, the teaching is to look at a problem as see the bigger love… In theory, in practice:

1. Family Constellations turns out to be a multi-tiered like a common MLM or a cult and run like it

First, you go to weekend constellations, then to private constellations, then you’re encouraged to spend 5 days every 3 months for 3 years big bucks to really work on yourself. Then it really gets interesting. There are other methods that you need to participate in in order to become a good therapist and a woke person. You need to go to the group leader’s ayahuasca ceremonies. Then you’ll be praised for your progress as a therapist. But then if you subscribe to his MLM where he’s providing spiritual information, very secret, only for the selected worthy few, then you’ll be both woke and millionaire. But still, you need your group leader’s approval to be a good therapist because he knows better.

I dared to be what I later learned is called truth teller and the therapist, the teacher of family constellations therapists rallied the…




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