Concluding California Style Pizza

Eamon Ito-Fisher
Published in
3 min readJan 15, 2018

For our second to last style, we have California style pizza. While the dough was New York style, Californian pizza shines with its wide range of unique ingredients.

The Dough

This time around, we elected to use the New York style dough. As California style is less established as a style — compared to, say, Roman or Neapolitan style — we had the flexibility to choose what we wanted. Ultimately, with the heavy and numerous toppings we were using, we decided that the sturdier New York style dough was the way to go.

You can find our piece on New York style here.


Over the course of our two tries at California style, we made a few old favorites of ours. The first was barbecue chicken — heavy sauce, onions, parsley and a lot of cheese. The sweet sauce and chicken makes for a great combination.

First Try — Sliced Chicken and Classic Barbecue Sauce
Second Try — Cubed Chicken and Stonewall Kitchen Sauce

Next, we tried wild mushroom pizza — a variety of sauteed mushrooms over fontina. While nothing too special, we found it was tasty.

Wild Mushroom

Our final try was sun dried tomato and goat cheese. The distinct goat cheese flavor along with the tangy tomatoes made for unique and delicious pizza.

Goat cheese and sundried tomatoes — with half vegan cheese

Things We Learned

  • New York style dough works well with California style toppings.

The thick, chewy crust was a hit with all of our California style toppings. In the future, we will most likely always use New York style dough for California style.

  • Cube your chicken

We found that chicken cubed, rather than sliced, makes for better presentation and a better eating experience.

  • Pick a good sauce

With the barbecue style pizza, we first started with a traditional barbeque sauce but later found that we prefer the stronger, more sweet, Stonewall kitchen chipotle grill sauce.


In all, California style was delicious. The distinct blend of toppings makes for unique pizzas found in few other styles.



Eamon Ito-Fisher

Purveyor of pizza and machine learning. Ask me about RL! :)