FAMM Review: “UnPrisoned” Smartly Handles Complex Reentry Issues (While Still Being Fun and Funny)

FAMM Foundation
Published in
3 min readMar 14, 2023


UnPrisoned stars Kerry Washington (right) and Delroy Lindo. It’s currently streaming on Hulu.

By Tripp Laino

Many of us here at FAMM were excited when we saw the trailer for Hulu’s new show, UnPrisoned, a comedy about the adventures (and presumably, misadventures) of a family adjusting to life after a member returns from a 17-year prison sentence.

One of the things we talk a lot about, and hear from family members about, is the adjustments people go through when coming home. Things people might not think about as a part of their day-to-day existence, like online shopping, using a cell phone, or getting a rideshare might feel like second nature to many of us, but for someone who’s been in prison for 5, 10, or even more years, it’s a lot of change.

It’s great to see that UnPrisoned is capable of both handling those complex issues, and also being a funny, fun show.

The show is based on creator Tracy McMillan’s life, and stars Kerry Washington (Scandal) as Paige Alexander, a relationship therapist and single mom whose father, Edwin Alexander (Delroy Lindo, Da 5 Bloods) moves in with her and her son, Finn (Faly Rakotohavana, Secret Society of Second Born Royals) after being released from prison.

The three of them have a delightful, very real-feeling family dynamic. Washington is a star, which should surprise no one, but she and Lindo have easy chemistry despite being shaded by the complicated relationship their characters share. Paige is a therapist and the child of a man who spent a lot of time in prison, so she approaches her conversations with her father carrying all of that weight — that she’s not sure if he’s actually changed, or is just telling her the right things.

Lindo is asked to do a lot of heavy lifting. He’s a fantastic character actor that’s been around forever (I loved him in Gone in 60 Seconds all the way back in 2000), and is really getting a lot to work with on the show. He’s great in the scenes with Rakotohavana, clearly yearning to connect with a grandson he’s never had the chance to meet, but also struggling to find his place in a world that doesn’t seem to want him.

One of my favorite parts of the pilot and second episode were the times when Kerry Washington’s inner monologue comes out in the form of a flashback to her as a child (played by Jordyn McIntosh, Emancipation). McIntosh gets tagged in to vocalize Washington’s righteous indignation in great scenes like walking in on Lindo romantically reconnecting with an old flame, or the frustration of a restaurant’s “unlimited” breadsticks, in fact, having limits! She’s a pint-sized dynamo, and very funny every time she gets the opportunity to shine.

The entire eight-episode series is available to stream on Hulu. Looking forward to checking out some more! (I would caution those with families that this is an R-rated show with adult language, sex and nudity).

UnPrisoned is currently streaming on Hulu.

Tripp Laino is FAMM’s Director of Media Relations.



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FAMM is a national nonpartisan advocacy organization that promotes fair and effective criminal justice policies.