4 super smart ways Rob Lowe plans to stay hot after 60

James Julian
Famously Healthy
Published in
5 min readFeb 29, 2024


If I look just a fraction as good as Rob Lowe does at age 60, I’ll consider it a massive victory.

That’s because I know how hard it is to stay fit as I approach my mid-40s, let alone being as jacked as this actor is as he enters his seventh decade on planet Earth.

When you’re young, fitness comes relatively easily.

You can eat whatever the hell you want.

You can work out constantly without constant fear of injury or fatigue.

But as you age, you must become more thoughtful about your diet and exercise choices:

  • If you push too hard, you’ll almost certainly get hurt
  • If you’re too undisciplined about what you eat, you’ll pack on the pounds faster than you ever thought possible

Luckily, there are some fairly simple ways to make the job easier — tricks Rob Lowe revealed in a new interview recently.

It’s sure as heck working for him, so maybe we can learn a thing or two.

Let’s dig into the 4 ways Rob Lowe plans to stay hot at 60+ right now.

Staying fit gets harder the older you get. Rob Lowe is approaching the task in 4 smart ways.
Staying fit gets harder the older you get. Rob Lowe is approaching the task in 4 smart ways. (Licensed by the author under the Unsplash+ License)

The first smart way Rob Lowe stays jacked at 60

