How do you save more money after 40? (millionaire smart tip)

James Julian
Famously Wealthy
Published in
6 min readJun 5, 2024


For most of my adult life, I always felt like I was behind the eight-ball financially despite making a pretty good salary.

I would manage to save a little bit of money here and there, but major life events like getting married, buying a house, or having kids would inevitably bring those savings back down to zero.

Oh, and there are always life’s little surprises to deal with, aren’t there?

Just when you think you’re getting a little bit ahead — oopsie, the car needs a brake replacement.

All while inflation and tax hikes eat away at the real value of your money.

I continued like this — treading water and saving zero money — until about Age 40, when something finally clicked for me.

It was at this point that I finally heeded 1 painfully simple piece of advice given by some of the best-known multimillionaires out there.

Let me tell you about that now.

A rich couple celebrates making even more money.
Want to be rich? Consider what actual millionaires say about getting there. (Licensed by the author under the Unsplash+ License)

1 mindset shift you must make to change your financial life

I was thinking about the shift this week after coming across a CNBC article quoting a couple of well-known, self-made multimillionaires.

