Is “Halloween Ends” The Biggest Retcon In The Entire Franchise?

The novelization confirms what we saw at the end of “Halloween Kills”, but the conclusion to the trilogy might already be gaslighting audiences about how Michael survived

Stephenie Magister ✨
Queer History with Step-Hen-ie


Halloween Kills (Miramax, Blumhouse Productions, Trancas International Films, Rough House Productions, Universal Pictures)

Come back with me to the first time you saw Halloween Kills. After the tour de force that was the 2018 legasequel (requel?), I couldn’t wait. And you know what?

Halloween Kills delivered. I laughed. I gasped. I screamed as everything good and hopeful about this franchise once again got slaughtered by a descent into the same question that murdered the original attempt to conclude the series.

Why won’t Michael die…?


The end of Halloween Kills, as told through the novelization

Halloween Kills (Universal Pictures)

I felt so damn mad that I went straight to the novelization, hoping for an explanation behind what the **** I’d just seen.

The mob first descends on Michael. They’re going to kill him. According to what happens on screen…



Stephenie Magister ✨
Queer History with Step-Hen-ie

| 40 Under 40 Nominee | Queer History with Step-Hen-ie | Former editor for award-winning and best-selling authors |