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Singles Inferno: A Kinder, Gentler and Somehow Sexier “slow burn”
Why viewers are hopelessly hooked…
What you’re about to see won’t scorch your shorts, unless you know what came before Kim Jim-Young reached across that pool all smooth…
Wait, let me flip that script: it’s what they haven’t done that makes it so hot.
What doesn’t happen is the secret “sauce” that has so many of us bingeing “Singles Inferno,” a South Korean series reminiscent of a host of American “dating” shows, but more compelling than all of them.
I have never gotten past one or two episodes of any of those American shows. I felt as if all the chosen contestants fell into predictable “types” and the episodes were artfully manipulated to follow predictable tropes. I just didn’t get any feels.
The only thing I felt the one time I tried to watch “The Bachelor” was my heart breaking as all those freakum-dressed women plotted and pouted and whined over a bunch of cringey men who didn’t seem even remotely worth all the sturm und drang.