Checking Image Edges

Lee Pennington
Published in
2 min readOct 17, 2017

This is a quick tutorial on how to check image edges before submitting to the site. Checking the edges of your images is both quick and easy and should be done on every single submission. The trick to being able to spot edge problems is using 2 different colors for your canvas color. (Black & White) This will expose 99% of all problems and will save both the moderators and yourself from pointless denials.The procedure is a little different between Photoshop and Gimp.


This is a quick summary, but a more detailed explanation can be found here.

  1. Set the foreground color you want to use for the canvas.

2. Select the Paint Bucket tool.

The Paint Bucket is hidden under Photoshop’s Gradient Tool, in case you’ve never had reason to use it.

3. Shift-Click on your canvas area to change the color.


In Gimp this is called the Padding Color. I found the easiest way to switch between canvas colors is to just set a shortcut for Select Custom Color. This will bring up the color chooser to set the color you want. You can access the it through the menu as well.

You might notice options for Light Check Color and Dark Check Color but this is for the transparency checkerboard pattern.


Inspect the differences along the left edges of these 3 samples of the same poster. You should notice how some colors hide problems and others reveal them. Make sure to inspect the entire edge closely from top to bottom to see all the differences. Taking that extra minute to verify your edges will save you time in the long run.

