All Hail the Chalkboard Ninjas

Finding inspiration and motivation one chalkboard at a time 

Irving Chong
Fanboy Friday


Getting too comfortable or familiar can be a bad thing. You do something enough just for the sake of doing it and it loses all meaning. The jolt or spark doesn’t need to be huge in order to motivate or inspire you. An extraordinary and world breaking change doesn’t need to occur. A whisper, a nudge, or a minute sooner or later will do. Less Galactus. More Ant-Man.

The natural enemies of chalk include but are not limited to: water, hands, towels, cloths, spray bottles, wind, touch screens, and white boards. Chalk can be messy. It causes too much dust. It’s difficult to write with. Chalk is small and insignificant and is going extinct. It inspires change because people want something better to write with.

Chalk can’t change the world.

The mysterious duo of Dangerdust disagree. These chalkboard ninjas want to inspire and motivate one chalkboard at a time. Here’s hoping they never unmask like Spider-Man during Civil War and they never stop proving that something as simple as chalk dust can cause minds to stir.

Below are my five favourite pieces in no particular order. Danger Dust can be found on Twitter, Facebook, and Tumblr.

I Write

“I write to discover what I know.” This was one of the main inspirations for Shotgun Summer. I promise there will be more on this topic later this summer.

Who We Are

I love Malcolm Gladwell to leave him of this list. I have more to say about this particular idea in posts planned for the future but in the mean time I touch on it from my poem “Sleeves That Don’t Fit.”

Best Friend

The lessons a six year old and his stuffed tiger can teach us. Calvin and Hobbes never fails to deliever. It is both timeless and timely.

One lesson my favourite teacher ever shared with us, was the three type of people you need in your life. The first person is someone who will love and support you no matter how bad you screwed up. They are the person you call after a bad night/week/month and are your reminder that those bad times don’t define you.

The second person is someone who will support you but at the same time will never fail to tell you the truth, no matter how much it might hurt. They are the person who will tell you after your bad day/week/month what you need to hear. Not what you want to hear but what you need.

The last person is someone who you love more than yourself. This person is important because only when we think outside of ourselves can we improve and find new limits and comfort zones.

My teacher always said after he explained the three people, to build this type of relationship takes a lifetime.

The Work You Do

If we could only make a living doing what we did while we procrastinate. Who wouldn’t love being paid to watch Netflix and browse the internet all day? Oh, that’s not the type of work Jessica Hische was talking about?

She meant the type of work we love. The type of work that doesn’t feel like work. The type of work which makes time disappear. The type of work that forces itself into our minds when we’re doing busy work. Well, if it’s that type of work. Why not? Start small, set aside time each day and see where it leads.

Speaking off doing work you love to do…

Don’t Settle

The funny thing we forget about dreams sometimes is that they are never static. They grow as we grow but it never grows in a straight line. This is a reminder to never stop chasing just because your dream keeps moving. If it’s moving it means you are too. As long as your heart skips a beat with each step why would you stop?

