This is What Summer Sounds Like

Irving Chong
Fanboy Friday
Published in
4 min readAug 26, 2014


With a lack of new songs from my favourite rappers this summer I've leaned heavily on these talented ladies for new music to keep my ear holes happy. One listen was all it took to be hooked from each of these girls and I’m sure they’ll do the same for you. No matter what you’re feeling, whether it’s something to sing-a-long to with the windows down, to dance to, or want something entirely new, these girls got you covered.


Manou sounds like how your favourite sweater fits. There is an effortlessness in her voice that hooks you right away. Manou has a polished sound yet she seems to be having the most fun with it as well. She sounds beyond her age yet keeps her youthfulness. Manou sounds like an artist comfortable in her current lane but has plenty of room to explore and grow. Here’s hoping she’ll always remember to have fun with it.

FKA twigs

FKA twigs sounds like an art gallery. Not all of the pieces will make sense or look pretty. But art isn’t supposed to always make sense or look pretty. Art is supposed to make you feel something. And if FKA twigs doesn't make you feel something then you don’t have a pulse. She has the most unique sound out of all the girls on this list and don’t you dare try and categorize her as Alternative R&B. She’s making the music she enjoys and we’re all just along for the ride. And what a ride it is.

Ryn Weaver

Ryn Weaver sounds like a pinky swear made under a blue sky. And that’s not only because her new EP is called Promises. Ryn has a timeless quality to her voice. You wish it was never ending or rather, every ending meant something new. You’ll be hooked after one listen, so roll down the windows and drive because you have forever.

Kwamie Liv

Kwamie Liv sounds like your texts at two in the morning. Kwamie possesses a hypnotic voice. My favourite track by her and the title track to her EP Lost in the Girl sums her up perfectly. You will get lost in her as soon as she starts singing. Don’t fight it and let it happen.

Callia Bara

Callia sounds like your dreams or your nightmares, sometimes it’s hard to tell the difference. Which is fitting because I’m not sure if Callia ever sleeps. Everyday she is posting a teaser for her upcoming project HOLLYWOOD BABYLON, a cover of one of her favourite tracks, or just a photo wishing her fans a goodnight. If her teasers are any indication she is closer to making your dreams come true than giving you nightmares. And if your dreams are silent and in black and white don’t worry Callia makes it seem like she was born in the wrong era anyways.

Moxie Raia

Moxie sounds like that one person you’re not supposed to make out with but you do anyways. I was introduced to Moxie when a friend sent me her cover of Vic Mensa’s Down on My Luck. I’m usually skeptical when I listen to girls covering rap songs but Moxie blew all of my expectations out of the water. She kills it. Even though her cover game is on point, listen to any of her Sam Smith covers and she makes them her own, she has her own catchy singles which are perfect for any night, summer or otherwise.


EVVY sounds like your dream girl that nobody else knows about. She just released her first self titled EP and her debut show is on the 8th. You wouldn't assume this by listening to her but it’s true. I know it took me one listen to get me hooked. Also for the uninitiated it’s pronounced “eh-vy.” And this is what indie pop should sound like.

Zella Day

I know what you’re thinking, you’re having someone follow a girl whose sound you just described as your dream girl? Yup because as awesome as EVVY is she did not produce my favourite song of the summer.

Zella sounds like what your favourite supermodel looks like dressed in a white T and jeans. She kills it on every song and with each release seems to compliment the one before it. She manages to reveal new aspects of herself while staying familiar. The remixes to her songs breath new life without smothering the original. Whether it’s 1965, East of Eden, or Compass you’ll feel right at home. I can’t wait for her EP.

