Top Five Meg Myers Songs

Irving Chong
Fanboy Friday
Published in
3 min readMay 8, 2014


Tomorrow I will be seeing BROODS. They were supposed to be opened by the one and only Meg Myers. However, after finishing this post, it appears she no longer will be able to do the Vancouver show, regardless here are my favourite Meg Myers songs.

Meg owns the corner of dark and aggressive songs on my iTunes. Her music has no correlation with anything else on my iPod, the rest is rap, indie, R&B, and pop. Without further ado here are my favourite songs by the one artist who casts a shadow on the rest of my music.

6. Desire (Hucci Remix)So I’m cheating a bit here by including this remix by Hucci. Here’s the thing this remix is so perfect that you won’t care I’m cheating the system. This remix strips away the heaviness of the original without making it lighter. Instead of throwing haymakers, it dances around the ring peppering you with jabs and counters. I know she probably won’t play this tomorrow night but I’ll be blasting it on repeat when I’m getting ready.

5. Curbstomp

“Monster” might have been the first Meg Myers’ song I hear but “Curbstomp” was my favourite on her debut EP Daughter In The Choir. Which was a problem considering it’s the first track, I think it took me ten or so repeats before I hit next. The song is hypnotic, she lures you in with her voice and never lets you go. You’re in a trance the entire time. I think I still am.

4. Heart Heart Head

If you’ve listened to anything of Meg’s an array of feelings and emotions come up. One emotion/feeling that never come up is happy. Meg isn’t interesting in writing happy songs and it isn’t more apparent than with “Heart Heart Head.” One of the first songs released after her debut EP Meg finds her lane with this song (more specifically at 2:48 of HHH) and announces that she is improving and bigger and better things are on the way. We shouldn’t be surprised if comes faster than we anticipate.

3. The Morning After

It’s not a coincidence that the majority of the songs on this list come from her latest EP Make A Shadow. You can hear the growth if you listen to her two EP’s back to back. As she puts out more songs it feels as if we’re digging deeper into Meg or maybe she forces us to dig within ourselves and unearth the things which keep us up at night. She sings about our nightmares. No. Rather she isn’t afraid to sing about them.

The opening lines of each verse linger in your mind long after the music stops.

I couldn’t sleep last night…

2. Make a Shadow

“Make a Shadow” precedes “The Morning After” on Make A Shadow which is fitting because you can’t have one without the other. “Make a Shadow” is the beginning of the story, it’s the ill fated decision, the call to action and the action itself. “The Morning After” is the consequence of the action. We can run away from the darkness but by running away from it, it allows it to build and build. Yet, this fact never stops us running. Maybe, tomorrow is the day we won’t get caught.

Run away, run away, let’s sleep tomorrow…
  1. Desire

If I had to pick one song to sum up everything that is Meg Myers, “Desire” must be that song. It’s hard hitting, unforgiving, and cuts into your being. Her voice is visceral and reaches an intensity previously unmatched in any of her songs. It’s as if she finally feels comfortable expressing her comfort in the shadows.

Last thing, even though she may not be coming to Vancouver, my weekend of concerts doesn’t end on Friday. Tomorrow will be another post highlighting one of my favourite rappers, C-H-I-L-D to the ISH man.

