Submitting to Fanciful Fiction

Victoria Kelly
Fanciful Fiction
Published in
3 min readSep 16, 2019

For writers of longer fiction works that they wish to publish in parts

Photo by ORNELLA BINNI on Unsplash

Welcome and thanks for checking out Fanciful Fiction. We’re still in the exciting beginning stages and I’m currently looking for more fiction writers who would like to publish their stories through the publication.

What to submit

You are welcome to submit to Fanciful Fiction if your story is:

  • Fiction of any genre (see exceptions below), including fantasy, sci-fi, humour, romance, mystery, adventure etc etc. YA and children’s fiction is also welcome as long as it fits the conditions below.
  • Long enough to split into at least 3 parts. This publication focuses on longer, serialised fiction. We will publish occasional short stories, but this is subject to them being particularly good. If you have flash fiction, I’m sorry but this is not the right publication for it.
  • Complete! Although we will release the story in parts, all parts must be written, edited and polished before the first part is released. This is to prevent unfinished stories clogging up the page.
  • Polished. This means that the manuscript must be free of spelling and grammatical mistakes. If your manuscript has too many mistakes I will ask you to do another round of edits before submitting again.

What not to submit

Please note, although I am pretty open to a range of submissions, I am not looking for.

  • Horror (many apologies to horror writer and readers. I am currently the only editor and can’t handle reading horror. This will hopefully change as the publication grows and we get more editors who can check the horror submissions.)
  • Erotica (moderate sexytimes fine, as long as it fits the story)
  • Excessive violence/abuse/rape/torture

How to submit

If you have a story that fits the above criteria, please email me with:

  • An introduction to yourself and your writing (including a link to your website or blog if you have one)
  • A blurb for your story
  • The complete story itself as a .mobi, .epub or PDF attachment
  • Send to

If your story is approved, I will get back to you with instructions on how to split it into parts for publication.

Please note: I have no interest in stealing your work! I’m only asking you to send me the complete story so that i can check it’s finished and of a good enough quality to publish. I will not publish any part of your story myself. You will create and retain ownership to all parts of the story on Medium.

What happens then…

I’ll ask you to create Medium story drafts for all parts of your serial and send me the draft links. I’ll then check and publish them at a rate of one part per week.

For the sake of reader convenience, we have a convention of using the same image for each part of a story. Numbers can be added to the image to help show the part of the story you’re publishing. You can use online tools like to edit images like in the example below:

An example of how to add numbers to your cover image. Created using and

Once all the parts have been published, I’ll ask you to write an “overview” post including the blurb and links to all parts of the story. This will be published under the “complete stories” tab in the publication.

Thanks for reading!

I’m looking forward to receiving your submissions. If you have any questions or suggestions, you’re welcome to get in touch with me by email:

If you’re interested in learning more about me, you can find more info on my website:



Victoria Kelly
Fanciful Fiction

Irresponsible bookworm. Fledgling author of humorous and fantastical tales. Grew up in England, now settled in Central Europe. Writer of serialised stories.