FF Newsletter #10: Our LinkedIn Group

Erin Moon (Penname)
Fandom Fanatics
Published in
1 min readNov 13, 2022


Courtesy of Chris Henry on Unsplash

I just applied for an editing job where I used FF as editing experience for the very first time. I’ve decided to do this for all of my resumes moving forward; I’m proud of what I’ve created and of the wonderful writers I’ve had the privilege to work with! You guys have inspired me to pursue the editing path by being so passionate, patient, and amiable that I truly appreciate you all.

If I’m hired, I will use my free time to continue to keep the schedule as regular as possible (around 5 articles a week). If you’re interested in joining our team, send me an email!

Speaking of articles, we’re running short! Email moonstarsworld@gmail.com to run your article by me and I’ll let you know if it’s a good fit. We’re looking for articles that are character-centric or pieces that explore a specific aspect of a story— “Why Such-and-Such is my Favorite Show” and must-watch lists won’t be prioritized.

Here is the link to the brand-new LinkedIn group. I’m hoping this will help us connect more as a community: https://www.linkedin.com/groups/12737227/

Here is my LinkedIn profile. Feel free to get in touch with me!: https://www.linkedin.com/in/emerald-shea-83865b229/


Erin Moon (Emmy)

