FF Weekly Newsletter #2: Fandom Fanatics: Create

Erin Moon (Penname)
Fandom Fanatics
Published in
2 min readSep 5, 2022


I said I’d wait a week to update non-members, but I was too excited! Introducing a new publication….

Photographer: Darius Bashar on Unsplash

Although not yet publishing submissions, a new publication called Fandom Fanatics: Create has been made. I’ve gotten so many requests for people to publish their poems and short stories that I finally decided it was time. You can follow it here: https://medium.com/fandom-fanatics-create

It’s for short stories and poetry specifically for people who also follow Fandom Fanatics. FF: Create will start with the co-editor, Pooka. You can follow her here: https://medium.com/@writingtheuniverse

After her short story is proofread and posted, and once I get a good enough handle on this week’s schedule for FF, I’ll make an announcement to let you guys know what the deal is for submissions.

I have a lot going on this week, including starting a new job with the distraction of newborn kittens at home but I’ll do my best to do this publication justice. Just know that if I haven’t responded to your email, I see you, but there’s a waitlist. I’m behind on emails even though I‘ve been doing them all day so I once again ask for you guys’ patience.

Thank you all for over 200 followers! I’m so happy that this publication is doing well. That and helping aspiring writers makes it all worth it. :)

Erin Moon

