Newsletter #20: Another Article Drought

Erin Moon (Penname)
Fandom Fanatics
Published in
3 min readJun 17, 2023


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Hello all you readers and writers!

As you may have gathered from Fandom Fanatics’ lack of articles lately, we are in another “article drought”. This is a slow period where we have little to no articles in the queue. As bleak as that may sound, I have no doubt that this state is only temporary and that we’ll soon be back in business with regular pieces on your favorite books, movies, and more! I’m sure all publications face times like this, and FF is no exception. I have faith, though, that this’ll be over soon.

This status means I will be in contact with many of our writers soon to ask for new pieces, as well as reaching out to new people who may be interested in our publication. If you know of anyone online or off who may like to write for us, please give them my email; it’s

There are also a few of you who have reached out to me and are waiting to be added. Pretty please have patience! I have the next week and a half off after my current job ended before my summer job begins. This is when I will do a majority of what needs to be done to get the gears of FF moving again.

In other news, the podcast will have to wait, and will be announced in a newsletter when it is completed. I apologize for the long delay, and promise it will be worth the wait once it’s here! I deeply appreciate how patient and understanding you all have been. As a reminder, this is a one-woman show (though I am always open to assistance), and in-between balancing my full-time job as an educator and my health, this publication has the tendency to get placed on the back-burner. I truly am sorry for this; you all deserve more regularity and effort than I am capable of putting in at the moment, but I certainly will try my best to do what I can manage.

But rest assured; some great things are on their way! As soon as I have the time, I’m going to give you guys my all, so stay tuned, stay followed, and keep up the amazing work that I know you guys are more than capable of. I have faith in you all as writers and am excited to see what submissions you all come up with this season.

Here is a picture of one of our eight kittens, Snickers. She’s very underweight but after praying, dropper feeding and lots of tests, she started eating solid food this morning much to our joy. She also has her energy back! Hip hip hooray!

We also have another great piece that came in today which I will post ASAP. So, things are picking up already!

Best wishes,


