Newsletter #28: Hello Spooky Season!

Erin Moon (Penname)
Fandom Fanatics
Published in
2 min readOct 12, 2023


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Howdy guys! I hope all of you are as excited for this Halloween season as I am!

I just received my Mothman costume in the mail and already have two parties I plan to attend. This American cryptid holds a special place in my heart, and if you’ve heard of him, brownie points to you as he is a little obscure. I might even post a picture of me in the costume at our end-of-the-month newsletter just for fun, hopefully spreading an extra bit of spooky Halloween cheer.

As many of you know, Halloween articles are being prioritized during this time. But that doesn’t mean your piece on whatever interests you right now won’t be welcome! I will be posting plenty of regular articles, too.

Additionally, I would like to finally pull my co-editor and training from the shadows. As some of you may have guessed, he is none other than our recent writer Cinephile. Give him a follow if you haven’t already! He is already co-editor in Musical Mayhem and Fandom Fanatics: Create, FF’s two sister publications. He has also been a big help with Fandom Fanatic’s new look, and I anticipate great things from him. It’s been a while since I had any assistance with Medium and he has already proven himself in more ways than one. I am so excited he has taken an interest in our site and he is going to help FF be a lot more regular in the future as I recognize and believe our writers deserve more frequent publishing.

I will also be adding people today, so if you emailed me recently, have patience!

Best wishes,

Erin Moon

