Secrets Of The TVA: 10 Mind-Blowing Theories For “Loki” Season 2

Aun Haider
Fandom Fanatics
Published in
4 min readMay 8, 2023

Loki Season 1 took Marvel fans on a wild ride through time and space, leaving us with more questions than answers. As we eagerly await the arrival of Loki Season 2, the speculative minds of fans have been running wild, generating numerous theories and predictions for what lies ahead. From mind-bending multiverse crossovers to unexpected character revelations, let’s dive into ten crazy theories that could potentially shape the narrative of Loki Season 2.

Credit: Disney+

1. The Loki Variants Assemble:

One popular theory suggests that Loki Season 2 will bring together an ensemble of Loki variants from different timelines and realities. We’ve already witnessed the existence of various Loki variants in Season 1, but introducing a team of alternate Lokis could create a truly chaotic and unpredictable dynamic. This theory opens up the possibility of epic team-ups, intense confrontations, and surprising character developments.

2. Mobius Becomes a Loki Variant:

Mobius, portrayed brilliantly by Owen Wilson, became an instant fan favorite in Season 1. A mind-boggling theory suggests that Mobius might turn out to be a Loki variant himself, hiding behind the facade of a TVA agent. This twist would not only shock audiences but also deepen the character’s significance, potentially revealing hidden motives and connections to Loki’s journey.

3. Lady Loki’s True Identity:

In Season 1, Sophia Di Martino’s character, Sylvie, was revealed to be a variant of Loki, known as Lady Loki, in the comics. However, a captivating theory suggests that there may be more to Sylvie’s backstory. Some fans speculate that she could actually be Enchantress, a powerful sorceress with connections to Asgardian lore. If this theory holds true, it will introduce a whole new layer of complexity to Sylvie’s character and her role in the larger MCU.

4. The Return of Classic Loki:

In Season 1, Richard E. Grant’s portrayal of Classic Loki was met with immense praise and admiration from fans. Although Classic Loki’s heroic sacrifice left a lasting impact, there’s a theory that he might not be completely gone. Some fans speculate that Classic Loki faked his death and could make a surprising return in Season 2, adding an extra dose of magic and wisdom to Loki’s journey.

5. The TVA’s True Purpose:

One of the most intriguing mysteries of Loki Season 1 revolved around the Time Variance Authority’s true purpose and its enigmatic leaders, the Time-Keepers. One theory in particular suggests that the TVA might not be what it seems. Some speculate that the Time-Keepers could be Loki variants themselves, manipulating the timeline for their own gain.

6. Loki Becomes the New Ruler of the TVA:

In a twist of fate, some fans speculate that Loki will seize control of the Time Variance Authority in Season 2. Through his cunning and trickery, Loki could rise to power, challenging the status quo and reshaping the TVA according to his own desires. This would create a fascinating power dynamic and raise questions about Loki’s true intentions.

7. King Loki:

Loki variants became a central focus and a fan-favorite element of Loki Season 1, and Season 2 will likely continue to explore this captivating aspect. One particular theory gaining traction suggests the introduction of King Loki as the next variant to make an impact in the series. In this alternate reality, King Loki successfully eliminates the threat of Thor and seizes control of Asgard, ascending to the throne. The theory proposes that King Loki’s initial objective will be to tempt the prime Loki back onto the path of villainy, using his regal status to manipulate and challenge him. As the season progresses, however, King Loki may undergo a transformation, ultimately becoming a reluctant ally to prime Loki and aiding him in the climactic finale of Season 2.

8. Introduction Of Galactus In the MCU:

As the MCU expands into Phase 5 and beyond, cosmic threats like Galactus are expected to come into play. A theory suggests that Loki Season 2 may serve as a setup for the introduction of Galactus. Through the exploration of the multiverse and the manipulation of time, the series could lay the groundwork for the impending arrival of the devourer of worlds, paving the way for epic confrontations in future MCU projects.

9. Loki Teams Up with Doctor Strange And Wanda:

One interesting theory circulating among Marvel fans is the possibility of a powerful alliance forming between Loki, Doctor Strange, and Wanda Maximoff, also known as the Scarlet Witch. With the multiverse becoming a prominent element in the MCU, this theory suggests that Loki Season 2 could pave the way for an intense crossover event that brings these three complex characters together.

10. Loki’s Connection to the Creation of the Multiverse:

Building on the idea that Loki is more central to the multiverse than initially thought, this theory posits that Loki himself may have played a role in the creation of the multiverse. Perhaps his actions and choices throughout different timelines had a butterfly effect, leading to the fracture and expansion of the multiverse, ultimately becoming the catalyst for the events of Loki Season 1.


In the ever-expanding Marvel Cinematic Universe, Loki Season 2 promises to be an exciting chapter that further pushes the boundaries of storytelling and cements the God of Mischief’s place as a central figure in the intricate web of interconnected narratives. As we eagerly await the next installment, we can only imagine the surprises, twists, and suspenseful revelations that await us in the enigmatic world of Loki.

