Welcome to Fandom Forward!

Amanda Neumann
Fandom Forward
Published in
2 min readJan 10, 2018

Fandom Forward is a program of the Harry Potter Alliance that helps bring fan activism to popular fandoms! We’ve been creating free, fandom-centered toolkits to use in your Harry Potter Alliance chapters, with your friends, in your classrooms, or at your libraries. Each toolkit takes a popular fandom and discusses three social issues. Each issue is discussed through the lens of the fandom and includes resources to learn more, questions for discussion, and ways to engage in activism in your community online.

Now we want to bring more Fandom Forward to you on a monthly basis (while still creating thorough, full length toolkits twice a year)!

At the HPA we believe in changing the world by making activism accessible through the power of story. We know fantasy is not only an escape from our world, but an invitation to go deeper into it! Our upcoming Fandom Forward articles will be aimed discussing important social issues using our favorite stories as guides. We’ll be writing and sharing articles that help analyze issues and give clear ways to engage in activism.

By adding a Medium publication to the Fandom Forward program we hope to engage more people, from more fandoms, in thoughtful and enthusiastic fan activism. The articles will be shorter and more timely than our full-length toolkits. It will also allow for us to have more contributors from more fandoms. A lot of work goes into creating the full-length toolkits and, quite honestly, we want to share more of what we do with you more often! But, fear not, we’ll still be creating full-length and fully designed toolkits twice a year.

We hope you’ll join us on this journey. We have so much love and enthusiasm for TV shows, movies, comics, and books and we know you do, too! It’s our mission to move our fandoms forward by being engaged consumers, critical thinkers, and unironically enthusiastic fans.

The weapon we have is love!

Best wishes,

Amanda & the Fandom Forward Team



Amanda Neumann
Fandom Forward

Queer, cat-loving feminist. Moving #FandomForward with The Harry Potter Alliance. she/they @amandandwords / amandaplanet.com