Levelling the playing field with Equate

Corinna Bruce
FanDuel Life
Published in
2 min readMar 5, 2020

Yesterday we partnered with Equate Scotland to deliver an Introduction to Design Thinking workshop, allowing participants to understand user-centred design processes at FanDuel and how these could be used within STEM roles.

We took attendees through the different stages of the design process with a focus on the Discovery and Define phases, concluding with how they could take their ideas forward to Develop and Deliver using an iterative approach.

Introduction to Design Thinking workshop

In addition, one of our Project Managers, Claire Reynolds, was a panelist at the conference Q&A session, giving attendees an opportunity to ask questions and discuss important issues that women face in industry today. Each panelist was asked to share one piece of advice, Claire said:

Network as much as possible. Go to meet-ups, conferences and events — find out if there’s a group for women in STEM in your university or colleges. If there’s not, start one yourself. There’s so many talented women studying STEM, we need to support, speak to and value one another!

Project Manager, Claire Reynolds

FanDuel are committed to levelling the playing field of gender imbalance, and believe that events such as Equate Scotland are hugely important, given that STEM industries are widely dominated by men.

The day was incredible, we met so many talented, inspiring and enthusiastic young women who will be the next STEM generation. We are lucky to have been a small part of their journey, sharing our skills and experiences with them and we hope to see some of them working at FanDuel in the near future.

Our FanDuel stand



Corinna Bruce
FanDuel Life

Designer by night, Designer by day. Pokemon fanatic and cat obsessed.