What has Fanfare got to do with Law and Philanthrophy?

Fanfare Global
Fanfare Global
Published in
2 min readNov 22, 2018

You would think that after a successful ICO and raising $9M, its time to sit back and relax for a while. But before we even have time to reflect on what we could have done better, Fanfare is on the road again…

We were invited to present in Asean Legal Alliance Annual Conference in Vietnam on the “Challenges of a High Tech Start Up” which we must say is very timely. 2 years of grinding finally led us here and we are happy to share with the lawyers of the region our story and the Secret Sauce, which in fact have to be made up of many ingredients if you have gone down this road.

Fanfare | Asean Legal Alliance Annual Conference | 9.Nov.2018

Soon after the FAN token was listed in LATOKEN.com, we partnered Hashkey — a multi-purpose wallet, exchange connections and DAPP platform to encourage the use of the FAN Token to more users.

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Fanfare | Hashkey Soft Launch | 19.Nov.2018

Our CEO Vincent Lim and CTO Kenneth Ng are now in Bali attending the 2nd Spring Rain Global Asian Philanthropic Development Conference 2018 to share with high level decision makers on the concept of Crypto-philanthrophy and the importance of promoting wide adoption to ensure long term sustainability.

Fanfare | Spring Rain Global Asian Philanthropic Development Conference 2018

So much more to do to spread the word about the Fanfare Platform and to proliferate the use of the FAN Token in other ecosystems.

We continue to surge on as a good team and thank you for all your support.

Fanfare will be your greatest FAN!

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