My Loveletter to Sunsama: About a Meaningful Office Tool for Human-Centered Productivity

Amal-Sebastian Das
Published in
3 min readJan 21, 2024

Over the years, I’ve tried a ton of task management apps. For instance, Wunderlist was my go-to until Microsoft took it over and shut it down for the sake of Microsoft To-Do — just another one of their ‘brilliant’ moves.

After that, I jumped between apps like Asana, Todoist, Things, Tick Tick, Clickup, and even Google Sheets. Then I found Sunsama. It wasn’t just another app — it quickly made a difference in sorting out my day.
But it also came down to its price. Sunsama isn’t cheap, and deciding whether it’s worth the cost has been a big part of my decision. Going for Sunsama means thinking about what I’m getting for the money.

And to set this straight: I’m not affiliated with them. I’m just another user who pays for the service like everyone else. So, this is just a personal urge to share my feelings with you.

Finding Sunsama was like stumbling upon a solution I didn’t realize I needed. Its blend of calendar, tasks, and objectives brought a level of coherence that was missing in other apps I’d tried. However, by the beginning of 2023, my role as a Product Owner in our big Web3-app project wrapped up, and my task load became more straightforward. It was when I began to question the need for Sunsama, only because of its price. But I made the decision to sadly part ways with it. At that point, my planning worked fine without it.

Time passed, and with new clients, the complexity of tasks evolved. I juggled several projects simultaneously, trying to keep everything aligned and myself sane. This struggle reminded me of the control and clarity Sunsama had provided. With a mix of sentimentality and practical need, I decided to give Sunsama another go. Reinstalling it, I was instantly reminded of how well-prepared I felt when using it earlier. It was like booting up a familiar system, knowing exactly how to navigate, and feeling the safety of having everything in order and a designated space for every task.

While navigating my multiple projects today, Sunsama’s value has become increasingly apparent. The way it effortlessly keeps my tasks, meetings, and plans in check justifies its cost in my current situation. It’s a reminder that sometimes, the tools we set aside in one phase of our life can become invaluable in another. Sunsama’s return to my daily routine has reaffirmed its worth, especially now, as managing complexity has become my daily reality again.

I wasn’t expecting to be surprised by its seamless blend of objectives, integration, and daily planning. However, I started understanding the main difference between Sunsama and most other tools.
The organic integration of habits, planning routines, and the philosophy you find in the CEO’s mailings while feeling it in your everyday work with the app makes Sunsama the next evolution of an office tool. It is not something that only “does the job” — it inspires, offers room to breathe, and most notably, provides a superordinate meaning to work itself.



Amal-Sebastian Das
Editor for

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