Slip into Messi’s Jersey: Unveiling the Magic of Snapchat Lens Studio!

Damiano Giampaoli
Published in
4 min readNov 10, 2023

In the ever-evolving world of augmented reality (AR), Snapchat has been at the forefront of fun and innovation, offering users exciting and immersive experiences. One of the features that set Snapchat apart is its 3D Body Tracking technology, which allows for the integration of 3D models into the real world.

In this article, we’ll dive into the two primary approaches we use at Fansea for bringing 3D models to life using Snapchat Lens Studio.

Metaverse artists rigging a 3d model of a human body in year 2028

Manual rigging: unleash your creativity

Snapchat’s 3D Body Tracking offers the flexibility to import your own rigged 3D models, providing a canvas for your creative endeavors. This approach, empowers AR creators to bring their unique visions to life, at a cost of a less automated process. Here’s how it works:

Custom Weights and Bone Hierarchy:

  • While Snapchat allows for custom weights, your model’s bone hierarchy must adhere to a specific structure.
  • Snapchat’s official documentation provides a detailed hierarchy, ensuring that the bones’ names follow a specific naming convention.

Partial Structure Customization

  • Creators can use a partial bone structure, but the bones’ names must align with Snapchat’s established schema.
  • This means you can create your own custom weight paint while adhering to Snapchat’s bone structure guidelines.

While the Manual approach grants creative freedom, it does require creators to adhere to Snapchat’s bone hierarchy and naming conventions. However, this ensures that your 3D models can seamlessly integrate into the AR environment and provide users with an immersive experience.

Developing a messi wearable… while wearing it :)

Automatic rigging: let Snapchat work for you

Snapchat automatic mode takes a different approach to 3D Body Tracking. It leverages the same reference skeletal system explained earlier to generate body meshes in real time. This approach reduces the burden on creators by rigging models automatically within the Snapchat ecosystem.

Here’s how it works:

  1. Real Time rigging
    Snapchat’s Auto mode rigs the 3D model in real time, aligning it with the reference skeletal system.
  2. No Custom Weights
    Unlike the Manual approach, Auto mode does not allow for the import of custom weight paint.
  3. Simplified Workflow
    Creators have less work to do in Auto mode, as Snapchat handles most of the rigging automatically.

The Automatic mode streamlines the process of bringing 3D models into Snapchat’s AR environment, making it more accessible for creators with varying levels of expertise. However, it may come with some limitations in terms of model adaptability.

Wearables: Exploring External Meshes

For those interested in creating AR wearables within Snapchat, there’s an exciting option known as “External Meshes.” These wearables require no rigging, and creators need only focus on designing the model and materials according to a reference mesh provided by Snapchat. Here’s how it works:

  1. Reference Mesh Integration
    Creators need to design wearables according to a reference mesh provided by Snapchat, eliminating the need for custom rigging.
  2. Weights Slider Control
    Creators can adjust the degree of morphing between the base mesh created by Snapchat and the External mesh provided using the Weights slider.

The “External Mesh” approach is perfect for those who want to create AR accessories and wearables without diving into the complexities of rigging. It offers a streamlined process and allows for real-time adjustments to achieve the desired visual effects.

The messi jersey modelled on a reference mesh

Some last thoughts

In conclusion, Snapchat’s 3D Body Tracking opens up a world of creative possibilities, and creators can choose the approach that best suits their needs. Manual rigging allows for complete customization but comes with specific requirements, while Auto mode simplifies the process but limits customizations. For AR wearables, External Meshes provide a hassle-free solution.

Ultimately, the choice between rigging and using reference meshes in Snapchat depends on your creative vision and technical expertise. Whichever path you choose, you’re bound to be part of the exciting world of AR content creation, enhancing the Snapchat experience for users worldwide.

