Cover image by the excellent Matthew Stefani (Tumblr, Twitter)

Trumped is the New Jossed

In this year’s political fanfiction, it’s hard to keep up with reality


“I have looked upon all that the universe has to hold of horror, and even the skies of spring and the flowers of summer must ever afterward be poison to me.”

As a few media outlets remind the general public every four years, fanfiction featuring politicians as characters is a thing or, as these articles inevitably term it, a “strange” or “wacky” world. In Political RPF (real person fiction), as it’s known, candidates and other world leaders sometimes discuss policy, sometimes have sex, and often do both at the same time. The Paul Ryan/Mitt Romney pairing produced my favorite illustrative example of the latter, as Mitt cries out in the throes of ecstasy, “Screw me like we’ll screw the poor!” (This line was highlighted in The Atlantic’s 2012 RPF coverage and before that made the rounds on blogs, but the original is still available for $0.99 on Amazon).

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Anne Jamison
Fansplaining: The podcast by, for, and about fandom

U of U English. Comp. Lit. Historical poetics. Kafka. Czech. Fangirl for fanfic. Probably supposed to be grading.