“You’re Gonna Love This Franchise”

Fandom, corporate media, and San Diego Comic-Con


Image credit: Shutterstock


I arrive in San Diego on Wednesday afternoon via a packed Pacific Surfliner. There’s a general air of weary anticipation onboard, as though we are already tired of something we actively signed up for. The crowd is wall-to-wall pop culture references, shirts and hats and bags, dotted with a handful of confused people I can only describe as Very Southern California: tan, breezy, and apparently unaware they booked a ticket on the train to Comic-Con.

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Elizabeth Minkel
Fansplaining: The podcast by, for, and about fandom

Fan culture // books // etc. Editor: How We Get to Next. Digital projects: New Yorker. Co-host of Fansplaining & co-curator of The Rec Center.