FansTime Company Profile

Fans Time
2 min readAug 2, 2018

FansTime is a blockchain-based business project focusing on the entertainment industry. FTI is the token of FansTime and has been listed on cryptocurrency exchanges such as Gate,Huobi Hadax, CoinEgg, Bit-Z and will be listed on many more in the near future.

Company Description

FansTime Foundation Pte Ltd is registered in Singapore and our main team is based in China currently. We are a vertical Blockchain-based project focusing on entertainment industry. The challenge for us is to provide a vertical platform and to build a decentralized worldwide community where everyone can fully explore, develop, nurture and give back to its own individual value.

Since our inception till now, FansTime has enjoyed tremendous support and growth from our partners and community members alike.

Our main token FTI has been listed on cryptocurrency exchanges such as Huobi Hadax, CoinEgg, Bit-Z and many more in the near future. We have almost 30 professional investors from China so far. Our 1st DAPP released in March 2018 has reached the user base of 120,000 and once made a breakthrough in single week trading volume up to US$17,987,400 dollars. The profit sharing mechanism towards our community launched in mid- July was warmly welcomed by our Chinese community.

Outside China, we also did some water testing actions.

We launched twice social media campaign towards global fans which called #WelcometoFansTime and #BestFansPower in March and April. The amount of Weibo forwards over 3.7 million, overseas coverage reached 2 million and page views achieved 150 million in total. The fandom of EXO and BTS won the first places.

The Global Blockchain Elite Forum — Macau launched by us made a massive impression on Blockchain circle in April 2018 with 1,000 elites, 20 Head Exchanges, and over 20 famous investment institutions attendance. The second session of it will be in Seoul in coming 18th August with a wider guest list, a galaxy of international celebrities and industry veterans.

Our tokenized idol group will start its worldwide online audition in late August and will make its debut in September.

Started in April 2018, our public blockchain development is going very well and the latest TPS(transaction per second) shows the number of 3,000–5,000. Being a public blockchain project means we can build fandom ecosystem in a much more independent way without restrictions caused by others like Ethereum.

We are very grateful for the past achievements but we won’t rest on them.

We believe we can truly build up an ideal decentralized worldwide community where the individual value will be cherished.




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