Investors of FansTime

Fans Time
3 min readJul 13, 2018

With a globalization strategy, ChinaEquity Group (CEG) focuses on investment in High-tech and Culture&Entertainment industries. CEG was co-founded by Wang Chaoyong, returned American investment banker and Chief Representative of Morgan Stanley Beijing Office, together with Swiss investors. Mr. Wang is hailed as Investment Godfather and he is one of the first overseas Chinese students working in the Wall Street investment and financing community.

iFensi is the most professional fans operation and service platform, ranking top on Alexa Chinese entertainment website. It secured RMB 150 million in B- Round Financing in 2017 and was valued at RMB 1 billion, a record high in fan economy financing.

United Cultural Works Exchanges is the largest and most influential film and television derivative exchange platform and the only government-approved cultural art works equity exchange platform in Liaoning Province, China. United CulturalWorks Exchanges has worked with Chunqiu Time, H&R Century Pictures, Alibaba Pictures, Huayi Brothers Media Group and other top IP creators to publish over 50 pieces of derivative works, business turnover exceeding RMB 50 billion in 2016.

A venture capital firm dedicated in blockchain and one of the earliest professional investment companies laying hands on blockchain. Node capital is to connect nodes existing in blockchain ecology and integrate sector resources through investment projects and cooperation, thus construct eco-system of the industry and carry forward steady and healthy development of blockchain.

DFUND was founded by Zhao Dong, a well-known person in digital currency field, in July 2017, specializing in the investment in the field, and supplying the invested project with end-to-end investment bank services. It sticks to the principle of value investment, which is judged and screened by professional team. It has impressive earnings in its early open-ended fund. Till January 2018, the net earnings of Bitcoin in the first phase project of DFUND is 620%, or 2543% in U.S. currency. The major investment projects are TNB、QASH、aelf、Cybermiles、LLT、MobileCoin、Beechat, etc.

A frontier investor in blockchain technology co-founded by the core team of Waltonchain and business circles and pevcnews, committed to offering support to teams with industrial expertise and connections as well as understandings and visions on blockchain.

Link Capital, founded by Lin Jiapeng, a senior investment expert in blockchain field, is an investment institution specializing in the sectors of blockchain project, digital currency and network finance, used to invest in lots of quality blockchain projects home and abroad. It has established offices in Singapore, Canada, and China’s Hong Kong and Shenzhen.

