Advisor Announcement: Matt Lockyer

Published in
4 min readJul 9, 2018

The FansUnite team is excited to announce that Matt Lockyer will be joining the FansUnite Advisory Board. After meeting through mutual acquaintances, CEO Darius Eghdami shared FansUnite’s vision of building a decentralized protocol for the sports betting industry. After introducing Matt to the FansUnite team and sharing our core mission and values, Matt let us know just how excited he was to learn about the project and potentially collaborate. A few meetings later, we solidified the relationship and are proud to have him on board.

Matt is an action oriented researcher of blockchain and crypto assets; a technology architect; and comes with a background of computer science and university lecturing. Matt did not delve into the space as early as most, the beginning of 2017, but his obsession with decentralization has him fully immersed. He is currently leading a community at the forefront of non-fungible tokens (NFTs) and standards called “NFTy Magicians” and his own practice for token engineering.

Q: How did you come to join the FansUnite team?

Matt: When I met Darius I asked the first question I ask every project, “Are you going to be the only application in your ecosystem?” Darius’ answer was the right one, and that was, “Absolutely not. We’re creating a protocol where anyone can run their own decentralized, regulatory compliant sportsbook on the internet.” Finally, I thought, someone who understands what building crypto networks and protocols is all about. I asked more questions around the team’s skill sets and background; even came to meet the entire team. After learning the FansUnite team was a mixture of OG Bitcoin holders, Sports betting fanatics, Deep Learning PhDs and Solidity devs, I had to join them.

Q: With the recent Supreme Court Decision, how do you see the Blockchain changing the Sports Betting space?

Matt: I think the US Supreme Court decision will open up the floodgates for lots of betting exchanges and sportsbooks. So we’ll see good actors and bad actors alike, just like the recent funding explosion in blockchain. And just like the book down the street, someone can always take off with your money. We want to eliminate this danger on the internet.

Q: What excites you the most about the FansUnite Protocol?

Matt: There is a clear vision and value driven mission from the leadership to empower any individual to participate at all levels of the sports betting industry. We’ve established 3 pillars for building decentralized and trustless sportsbooks and betting exchanges on the internet. That’s only the beginning. Sports betting and fandom are massive industries where outcomes of future events are hotly debated. Our proven infrastructure for sports can be generalized in the future to provide infrastructure for other prediction markets.

Q: How long do you think it’ll take before we see mainstream Blockchain adoption?

Matt: We are likely to see another big spike in interest of crypto assets toward the end of 2018. After this we will still be in early adopter phase. This timing is perfect for our mainnet MVP of the FansUnite DApp and Protocol. From the early adopter phase, people experiencing amazing dapps and token economies will show and tell friends and family, leading to more adoption until we reach a tipping point. This may take some time, however, there will be revenue opportunities along the way.

Q: What does the future hold, not only for you but for the decentralized landscape?

Matt: Trust in centralized institutions is at an all time low. When things are going well, this seldom matters. Things, however, are not always going well. We’re close to runaway prices in several countries and this creates a society where trust is scarce. Decentralized technologies can place this trust into protocols and keep commerce moving by removing the need for trust in the first place. There are a few more pieces that need to slide into place such as user experience, stable coins, better exchanges between crypto and fiat; however the payoff for investing in these technologies today will be immense. One thing most people forget when thinking about the adoption of decentralized technologies is that it is primarily software leveraging other technologies like the internet (~15 years) and smartphones (~7 years) to potentially reach adoption much faster.

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