Best resources for software engineering

Khoa Pham
Indie Goodies
Published in
7 min readJul 3, 2018


People often say that software engineers ‘ job is to solve problems. But strong in tech in not enough, you can’t just sit in the front of the screen all day pressing buttons, there are more to know in this profession. Things like activities, interview preparation, getting inspiration, avoiding burnout, knowing salary and career steps, blogging all affect your life to some degrees.

The internet is a big library of resources, here is my humble list to help you get started.


Playbook 🎠

Some companies have playbook telling about how they and their engineering practices work

Activities 🏃

Having some fun activities at work is door opener for an active workplace and take some breaks from daily boring tasks.

  • Future Fridays Each Friday, we give ourselves permission to suspend our usual work
  • ShipIt 24 hours to innovate
  • Peer Lab Foster a collaborative learning environment where everyone feels fulfilled.

