Isaac Martin Editoral

How much does it cost to be safe in a world of war.

By: Isaac Martin

In the recent years, war has had a stand still, yet we continue to invest in the military forces. Although in the past we have been open to multiple threats and the American people may not feel safe. But what other ways are there to feel more safe.

To be prepared for war is being wise, to continually spend millions of dollars to wait for a war to happen seems like a waste. Money does not devalue over time. The country that pays the most for defensive military forces is the United States of America with a whopping $596 billion, in second is China with $215 billion and in third is Saudi Arabia with $87.2.

Chart of military expenses of the top 7 countries Picture:

There has to be a better, more cost effective way to tackle a potential war. In The Atlantic’s article “The Real Defense Budget” it says, “perhaps we should require those spending US tax dollars to publicly acknowledge the ‘extra tax’ their spending entails in terms of interest payments on debt.” It is wise to tell the people what they are paying extra for.

“Countries are cast behind a shadow of war and conflict.”

Countries are cast behind a shadow of war and conflict. Is being on top all we want. To strike fear into our potential enemies. That to support others and to all be in a world of treaty. To make amends with the other countries. What is the military spending all this money on.

The government has left us in the dark on too many subjects. Money is the sole source of everything that you own, not something that can be taken without our knowledge. Taxes have been around since the founding of our country. We didn’t enjoy it then, nor do we now.

In the old west they had a saying, “don’t get a gun unless you plan on using it.”

“Don’t get a gun unless you plan on using it.” This same statement can be used in controversies today. The more money used for military defenses. Only increases the competition for the country that is most prepared.

Since the US spends the most money for their defensive military. Some solutions to even out costs and to help Americans in the next days, rather than continually spend money for a war way down the road.

Governments can be more financially focused on their people and not the threat of another country ready to invade. It would only benefit the minds, but the bodies of every man woman and child. If schools were improved, then the future generations could get a better future.

With more money circulating around the country, poverty would be less, buildings would have more financial support, and healthcare can be at service for those in need. All this can be achieved just by cutting defense costs.

Bright, big buildings for a bright, big future


“All this can be achieved just by cutting defense costs.”

Military takes up over half of all expenses. None of the other expenses even come close to that cost. In order to improve the economy and other general welfares for the American people, is to finance and invest in the people. Which is the makings of a great nation.

United States spending chart as of 2015


As shown, veterans are getting benefits for leaving the war. It may look like these billions of dollars are a lot, yet with three hundred of millions of people relying on these benefits, they each would only get around $4,440 per state. Which when it gets to individual vets it isn’t all that substantial.

So not only the American country can resolve this overcompensation for the military, by shifting the priority of spending towards the people and their needs. So think frugally in the ways of the world and remember that people are the world and war is an add on.

Isaac Martin is a Senior at Benicia High School in Mrs. Rooney’s ERWC class.

