Letter To Editor “A Change of Heart About Animals”

The beautifully written article “A Change of Heart about Animals” by Jeremy Rifkin is going against the grain in saying that there is more emotion to animals than we think we know.

Without going into his personal feelings he talks about the science behind it. At Purdue University, they found that “pigs crave affection and are easily depressed if isolated or denied playtime with each other.” This is an obvious indication that pigs are more like humans that we thought; and who’s to say that other animals aren’t the same.

Rifkin is a smart man, who is able to bring a humanistic qualify to animals. He would only like to spread his findings so that we all can have a better understanding of animals emotions.

By Nathan Ingersoll

Letter to the Editor

Re “A Change of Heart About Animals,” Commentary, Oct. 6: Jeremy Rifkin argues that animals should be treated with the same amount of respect as humans. Rifkin believes that animals have a lot of the same basic emotions that humans do. I completely agree.

By Halea Monigan

