Letter to Rifkin

A Change Of Heart About Animals by Jeremy Rifkin argues that animals and humans aren’t all that different. He also argues that we should have more empathy for animals. I do not agree with this article. Rifkin forgets about the fact that animals kill and eat one another, a natural thing to do. Humans will continue to kill and eat animals, as it is something that we have always done and will continue to do.

Everyone knows that animals and humans have similar food chains. For instance, humans have always killed and eaten only animals. However, animals hunt, kill and eat one another unlike humans.

Rifkin states that pigs need social contact and should be provided with toys to play with. With that said, there are many human children that do not have social contact or have any toys. Why should we give pigs toys when human children don’t have any toys for themselves? We should take care of our own before we worry about pigs and other animals similar to them.

Jina S.

