Letter to Rifkin

Thank you to Jeremy Rifkin for writing about animal rights which is something that isn’t commonly talked about in the newspaper. Animals have feelings and emotions similar to us as humans. Rifkin states that pigs often get depressed — as do humans — if they don’t have interactions with humans or other animals. Rifkin shares an observation that pigs given a toy won’t feel as alone and depressed as they would be if they didn’t have toys. There are children in the world who don’t have toys or clothes, but I feel like if you can afford it, you could donate clothes and toys to children. Unlike children, animals don’t have the option of donated toys; it’s up to their owners whether or not they are willing and wanting to spend money on toys to keep their animals entertained. It saddens me when people treat animals with disrespect and abuse.

Animals need to eat each other in order to survive. Humans, on the other hand, shouldn’t eat meat and break the chain because animals deserve to live, as they are breathing creatures who have feelings and emotions. Humans should live their life’s eating vegetables and fruits instead of animal meat. Let’s end animal cruelty together and treat animals lives with love and respect!

Jazmyn J.

